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The Steps Included in Installing a Padel Court



The Steps Included in Installing a Padel Court

If you’re obsessed with tennis and want to play it at your place, it’s best to get a padel court built by a trusted company. Visiting the tennis courts and playing requires a certain fee every time, which isn’t a good option if you’re a regular player. The better choice is to go for a one-time investment and build a padel court at your location. This way, you can play without any time restrictions, in solo matches or with a group of people. But wait a minute. If you have planned to turn your home’s outdoor area into a padel court, you better need to understand its installation process. Look at these points to know how to install a padel court. 

Padel Court Installation 

​If you want to bring excitement and challenge to your backyard, why not install a padel court? This fast-paced variation of tennis is rapidly becoming one of the most popular sports IN Dubai, and it’s quickly growing in popularity all over the UAE. Here’s what you need to know to install a padel court at home.

Required Measurements 

First, decide where you’ll be placing the court. You’ll need an open space at least 11 meters long and 8 meters wide (about 36 x 26 feet). Make sure there is enough room for the ball to rebound off the walls without going out of bounds. If you have limited outdoor space, consider installing a half-court.

Find the Total Required Cost

Second, plan how much money you will spend on the installation. Prices vary depending on how large the court will be and if you plan to use materials such as steel or netting. A primary full-size court can range from about 14,692-36,730 dirhams for everything, including netting and posts. A smaller half-court might cost less.

Supplies Buying Process 

Third, purchase any necessary equipment for the court’s installation. This could include paint for marking lines and numbers on the surface, net posts and holders, plus tools such as hammers and saws if needed. Paddle rackets can also be purchased so that players have them ready for when it’s time to play. 

Develop a Structure

Fourth, mark out where each wall will go using chalk or spray paint, then begin building them using wooden frames with concrete slabs added on top as support blocks. Secure each wall panel with screws and nails, and ensure they are firmly in place before moving onto other steps in the installation process.

Setting Up the Posts 

The posts set up are required around the perimeter of your court. These can come pre-manufactured or custom-made according to your needs. Posts should be positioned 10 meters apart (32 feet), along with metal straps to hold them when tensioning your net later in the process.


Sixth, assemble the netting around your posts with metal ties or similar attachments for secure placement across all four sides of the court. When fully attached, ensure all panels are taut but not too tight. This ensures that rebounds from strikes remain consistent no matter which corner they hit first. 

Last Part

Finally, add some sand or other coarse material underneath your nets. This provides extra padding when balls strike against them during gameplay sessions. And once completed, remember to practice proper maintenance procedures, such as brushing away debris or water puddles after rainfall to ensure that all surfaces remain free from dirt accumulation which may damage players’ rackets over time. Call us now for the best services today.

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